In Kind & Matching Gifts


Books and Other Media
Gifts of new books, videos, magazine and newspaper subscriptions, and used books are gratefully accepted. All items will be considered for the collections but are subject to the Library’s gift policy. We ask that you limit your donation to 20 items at a time. Materials which are not added to our collection may be sold to raise funds for the Library or may be donated to other worthy organizations.

Gifts of Personal Property
Gifts of personal property, including works of art, rare books, and other items of demonstrable value may be accepted.

Please contact Executive Director Jenny Purtill for more information at 828-859-9535 or


Matching Gifts are an easy way to double or even triple your contribution to the Lanier Library.  Many employers match a percentage of your contributions to the Lanier Library. Contact your employer’s human resources office to find out if you are eligible.  If Lanier Library is not a listed organization, please let us know so that we can make an application to become a matching gift recipient organization.

If you have any questions about matching gifts, please contact Jenny Purtill, Executive Director of the Lanier Library Association at:  828-859-9535 or


Gifts can be made to the Lanier Library in memory or honor of a loved one or friend and to celebrate many occasions including birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. If you would like, we would be glad to notify the person that you are honoring in person, by telephone, or by written acknowledgement.  We will also recognize the person honored and you as a donor in our Annual Report and at the Library.

When making a gift, please indicate the name of the person you are honoring and those you would like notified.  You may also remain anonymous by notifying the Library of your desire.

If you have any questions about tribute or memorial, please contact Jenny Purtill, Executive Director of the Lanier Library Association at:  828-859-9535 or