Those who say “Can I help you?”
and others typically behind the scenes


The Board meets monthly to manage the business of Lanier Library. Each director serves three years with a third of the terms expiring each year. A member may be elected for a second successive term.

Vicky Jackson, President
Tom Ervin, Vice President
Timothy Boyce, Treasurer
Cindy Caldwell, Secretary

Denny Crowe, At Large
Lee Cudlip, Media Selection
Laura Peek, Membership
Vincent Verrecchio, Marketing Communications and Programs
Christine Vincent, Hospitality


Jenny Purtill, Executive Director
Lynn Montgomery, Cataloger
Sandra McCall, Circulation Manager
Lee Cudlip, Sunday Librarian
Regina Maimone, Saturday Librarian


Volunteer help for book shelving, raking leaves, program support, and more is warmly welcomed and appreciated.